
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

What's in My Beach Bag?

The count down has begun! I am headed to the beach for Fourth of July weekend in three days! It's time to pack my beach bag and head to the ocean for a three full days of sand, sun and salt! 

I have a few must haves that I always toss into my bag for a trip to the beach or the pool. I always read when I am on vacation. I only put one book on the post, but it isn't uncommon to find two or three in the bottom of my bag! I also always have a magazine or two to read. I always love People StyleWatch, but often grab Glamour, InStyle and Lucky, too! Plus, I throw in my iPod and some headphones so that I can REALLY zone out and relax.

Sun protection is so important to have in your bag! I always have my tanning lotion, sun screen and aloe with me! I also love Zinka or any Zinc Oxide products. There will be no sun getting through if you use it, basically a guaranteed sunburn-free product! I watched my mom use Zinka on her lips growing up. It's a great way to have a lip color on at the beach and protect that super sensitive skin! I also make sure to have EOS with me to protect from any chapping! 

So grab your towel, a water bottle and your bag!

Hope you all are excited for you weekend plans! Take advantage of the sunlight!

Lots of love, 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Shopping in your Undies!

Having the perfect wardrobe every morning you wake up is impossible. You can have the most amazing closet, full of the most in-style pieces and you will still wake up and think,

Then if you’re like me you will want to go shopping to find new pieces that inspire you, only to come home and have to try and fit your new finds in an already overflowing wardrobe.

I’ve been having this problem a lot recently. Especially since starting the blog, I’ve felt like there always has to be something new in my closet that I can post about. Even before the blog, there were times when I saw something online and would decide my closet wouldn’t be complete without it. Closet envy is a real thing and can really ruin your day. 

I am here to tell you that none of this is a realistic way to maintain your ‘actual’ style needs or for the upkeep of your bank account! Plus, even Anna Wintour rewears clothing. You bought the things that are hanging in your closet right now because you loved them at one time (or they were a horrible gift, in which case see step three). All you have to do is find new ways to wear them and bring that spark of joy back into getting dressed. It will be like a great shopping day and you'll never have to put on your pants. Yes, I know online shopping achieves the same thing, but now you aren't spending money!!

Here is how to shop your closet:

1. Make your bed

This is the best surface to compile new outfits, not only will it put you in a productive mindset, a made bed will make it easier to lay things flat and mix and match outfits.

2. Sale Shopping

Pretend you are at the sale section in Nordstrom Rack or Marshall’s. There’s a little bit of everything and you are looking for the hidden treasures.

3. Clean it out!  

Use this as an opportunity to get rid of pieces you don’t want anymore. Like in a store, if you pick up something and think, “who would wear this?” ­— toss it. If it doesn’t fit — toss it. If you have a bad memory wearing it — toss it. Have two or three things that are REALLY similar? Pick one, toss the others. This is a great opportunity to multi-task: find new outfits and clean out your closet!


  1. If clothes are too big for you then just give them away. If they are too small then you can give them away, too, or like me you can box them up and save them as a goal. After I had knee surgery I gained a lot of weight, but I held onto a few pair of shorts and my favorite pair of jeans as a goal to work towards. It was a great feeling when my hard work paid off and I could zip them again! (Only keep a few items, not an entire wardrobe of too small items.)
  2. Clothing has the ability to hold a lot of sentimental value. If you have a memory in an outfit or piece that’s negative, you will never feel good wearing it again because you’ll have all those bad memories bringing you down. Toss these pieces out and let the sunlit-filled memories shine through.
4. Save your Favs 

Take out your favorite pieces and set them aside. You already know you love them, you wear them all the time, we will come back to them.

5. Basic Bitches 

Separate your basics (white tees, black tank tops, denim shorts) from your more interesting pieces (anything with a print, bright colors, interesting cuts.)

6. Make a Selection

Pick up a piece you’ve never worn before or only once (one with the tags still on…) I usually like to start with a statement piece because it’s a little more fun. I picked a skirt I bought from Banana Republic last year in the final sale section that I’ve never worn. Now look at your other pieces and create three outfits. This is where your favs come in! Mix your "new" item with something you wear all the time! It will make you feel comfortable, show you a new way to wear that white pocket tee and keep you from the constant outfit repeat! Or get really adventurous and pair two pieces that you've never worn!

  1. My mom has always said, “If you can’t wear a piece at least three different ways, it doesn’t deserve to be in your closet.” When you’re shopping make sure you can visualize three different ways you can wear something before swiping your credit card. This advice has helped me sooo much!
7. Log it all!

All of these pieces have been worn before. Every piece except for the blue top and the white top are over a year old. Those two tops were bought earlier this year, but are no longer available online. I forced myself to not use any new pieces and created three outfits that I've never worn before! 
Now try it all on and take a picture of each outfit you’ve created. Go for some bonus points and add in shoes, a bag and jewelry. I like to store these using Amazon Prime Photos so I can access them from my phone as a reference when I am out shopping. No more duplicates and smarter buying decisions!

8. Clean it all up

Lastly, put your closet back together in a way that makes it easy to find everything. I like to sort by type and color. (The color part doesn’t always last after a few laundry days…) Put dresses on one end, then jackets, sweaters, long sleeves, short sleeves, etc. Then I sort by the rainbow so getting dressed in the a.m. isn’t a struggle, but a stress-free start to the day!

Happy shopping!

Love you lots,


Sore Arms, No More!

Let me start off with an apology! The blog went silent last week and it sucked. I got some kind of flu and sleeping and wearing sweat pants all day took precedence to filming, shopping and writing. But! I am back, I am better and I'm ready for an awesome week of Fourth of July content!! 

I DREAD arm day. I don't look forward to it at all, I'd rather run a marathon. However, I did it and I was incredibly sore. So if you are forced to work rout upper body, try these awesome recovery stretches that you can function the day after (and two days after)!

Also, make sure you get lot's of water and electrolytes! Both help keep your muscles hydrated and ready for intense workouts!

Have a sunlit filled Monday!

Love you bunches,

Friday, June 26, 2015

Headbands, Sunglasses and Super Snacks!

I can't believe June is almost over! But I got my Must Have box and at least I have some cool new products to play with now! Since filming this, I have tested the exfoliator and the eyeshadow and love them both!! Plus, I just found out that I'm headed to the beach next weekend so that headband and those sunglasses are definitely finding a home in my beachbag!


Spread some sunlight on this lovely Friday!

Love you all bunches,

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer Reading List!!

I am officially in my annual Summer Readathon mood. This happens once a year, always right after my birthday when I have Barnes and Noble giftcards to burn! It actually hit pretty late this year, but that's probably because I have been so busy! Now that May is over and June is almost over all I want to do is put on my bikini, head to the pool and read as many books as possible. 

Here are just a few books I plan on devouring: 

In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume

The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith

The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith 

Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith (OUT IN OCTOBER!)

Hogwart's Library by JK Rowling

Belle Cora by Phillip Margulies

The Woman I Wanted To Be by Diane Von Furstenberg

To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee

Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee (OUT JULY 14):

And I talked a little about these, too!

Audition by Barbara Walters 

Jackie, Ethel, Joan: Women of Camelot by J. Randy Taraborrelli 

P.S. I know that it's the A Song of Ice and Fire Series, not Game of Thrones. Just a slip of the tongue. My bad!

Hopefully these books or whatever you're reading will spread some sunlight your way! 

Happy reading. Love you lots, 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Recovery is Key! Monday with Matt!

Stretching and recovering from a tough workout is just as, if not more important, than doing the actual workout! I am so bad about remembering to stretch, but it really is key to having a strong, healthy body and avoiding injuries. It may seem like a chore when you're ready to hit the pavement or grab the weights. Stretch before and after you exercise for the best results and less sore muscles the day after. 

I'm going to try to work through a full stretch routine after I get up in the morning and right before bed. Maybe if I work it into my daily schedule I'll be better about getting it done!

Stretch it all out today! 

Don't forget to spread some sunlight on this lovely Monday!

Lots of love, 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Get Lei'd: Rum, rum and more rum!

It wouldn't be a Tiki Party without the Tiki Drinks! So with a vintage drink list and Trader Vic's menu in our hands KB and I went to the liquor store and stocked up. Then while I was baking, he concocted a few party drinks to share with the crowd. 

First you need rum, all kinds of rum: 

Trader Vic's Mixes are a must!
Tiki Cups!
And a beer that matches the party theme is a must! I don't like beer,
but I saw the bottles and had to get them for the bar!

Shirt: Target (in stores only) || Necklace: Nordstrom Rack || Skirt: Handmade by my Grandma (similar here, here and here)

And a few of KB's favorite drink recipes from KB himself:

Click the recipe for the "legend" behind the drink!
Click the image for the story behind the Mai Tai!
If you need an Orgeat Recipe this is the one we used and it was a hit!

Click the recipe to make your own passionfruit syrup. Also, there's a bonus recipe for a hurricane!
If you like Hawaiian-inspired rum drinks Beachbum Berry Remixed is the best book to get for all kinds of Tiki beverages. I actually bought KB a copy for his birthday!

Hope you were able to spread some sunlight today! 

Don't forget to drink responsibly!

Love you tons, 

Get Lei'd: Luau Desserts!!

As you all probably know by now, I love to bake. So when given the opportunity I make sure to give my oven a workout! For the party, I made bikini cookies, coconut rum cupcakes and a pineapple upside down cake. I was really happy how they turned out! 

Bikini Cookies: 

These cookies were so fun to make! I cheated a bit though and started with a sugar cookie mix and decorated with pre-made colored frosting. I was worried about having enough time to make everything from scratch so the cookies were easy to do with store bought items! I saw this idea on Pinterest and they made lingerie cookies for a bachelorette party, so since bikini's are basically lingerie you can wear in public, it made since to make them fit the theme. All you need is a heart-shaped cookie cutter and then you cut off the pointy part. The booties and the boobies are all the same shape, it just depends how you decorate. I used some round sprinkles to add polka dots and edging, but you could totally do that with icing. 

Coconut Rum Cupcakes: 

What you need to make the Tiki Toppers!

I cannot take credit for this recipe, but I HIGHLY recommend it. I am not a huge cake person, but icing is my weakness. The cake part of this was tasty, but the icing was the best thing I have ever made! The recipe is from How Sweet It Is, a website I am now obsessed with because this recipe was so YUM! So while the flavor was right for the theme, I wanted to make a little extra something to decorate the cupcakes with on top. Enter: Tiki cookies. I used shortbread because they were the right shape and then filled my piping bag with chocolate icing and got to work! Even if you don't like coconut cake, you really should try this icing. It's phenomenal! 

Pineapple-Upside Down Cake:  

I have never made a pineapple cake, EVER! But this was a requested by KB himself, so I turned to trusty Betty Crocker. This recipe was super easy and a little old-fashioned (it has shortening). I think next time I might add in some extra pineapple juice to the batter to make it a little more flavorful! 

Make some of these dessert and spread some sunlight to a loved one today! (Especially your Dad!!)

Love you, 

Get Lei'd: The Tiki Birthday Bash!

KB's birthday is today, which means we had to throw a huge birthday bash. This year's theme was "Tiki Lounge"/"Luau"/"Mid-Century Hawaii." One of his favorite places to go it Trader Vic's, the home of the Mai Tai. So I set to work to recreate the restaurant with a little bit of a birthday twist.

I'll be posting throughout the day all the different aspects of the party: Decor, Food and the Bar, so check in all afternoon to see the updates! 

First off, the part that took the longest to work out! The Decor! Make it all the way to the bottom! I saved my favorite part for last!!

I wanted to make sure we had plenty of seating, so in addition to the chairs I bought this great yard blanket from Target. I wasn't sure how I felt about making people sit on the ground, but it went with the luau theme and people seemed to really enjoy picnicking on it!

Of course, we needed some mood lighting. So on top of lining the yard with tiki torches (which we filled with citronella to keep the bugs away), We had tabletop torches, these great lanterns from World Market (they aren't online!) and a few strings of wicker-covered fairy lights! The whole backyard was lit up! Plus, we put some pineapple-scented candles in the lanterns and they smelled so tropical! We also got a tiki statue from Home Depot and I turned him into the perfect themed candle holder!

Lastly, it isn't a tiki party without a Tiki Bar! So the bottom is just a folding table with a vibrant table cloth and this cute rafia skirt! The top, however, is something that I constructed. This looks like a complicated project, but it was so simple! I measured out my table and then subtracted five inches to create the top. You will need to cut the bamboo sticks to these measurements and then I tied them together with jute. After you have the top, cut the legs to be tall enough for the "bartenders" to work and not bump their heads! Then I used some gorilla tape to attach them! This is literally held together with string and duct tape! For the top, just cut some burlap (I used two layers) and drape it over the top! The most important part is how you're going to anchor it to the table. I used these cute flower pots, filled them with sand and stuck the legs in. I didn't want the sand to show so I wrapped some leis around and added in the cutest swirled citronella candles! 

Hope you are spreading some sunlight on this lovely Father's Day!

Check back later for some yummy Tiki Desserts! 

Love you, 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Father's Day is ALMOST here!

We all officially have TWO DAYS(!!!) to figure out what to get our Dads for Father's Day! So here are some ideas of what you can get the most important man in your life!

Dad's are sometimes hard to shop for, but get them something special from you and they'll love it! 

Spread some sunlight while you're out Father's Day shopping! 

Love you all bunches, 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Spreading Sunlight

 Top: Charming Charlie || Jacket: Old, but this one is so cute!  || Jeans: Levi's || Booties: Ted Baker (Obsessed with these, too!) || Watch: Michael Kors || Ring: Charming Charlie (UNDER $5) || Lips: bareMinerals Pop of Passion || Earrings: These were a gift and I have no clue where they're from, but these are adorable!

It was a cloudy, chilly and rainy morning, so what's a girl to do? Wear booties and jeans in June! My hair went up into a bun (yay, humidity), I dabbed on some pink lipstick and was determined to bring a little sunlight to the day! I actually loved this outfit, the booties are amazing and pairing a heavier piece with the flowy floral top made me feel like I wasn't too out of season. 

Basically, Ted Baker is one of my favorite brands so I was looking for an excuse to wear these amazing shoes. I love these booties! I got them during a Ted Baker sale at Nordstrom Rack, which made me even more excited because there's nothing better than Ted Baker at a price that won't break my bank! The hardware is a rose gold color, which is a cute added touch. I also love them because they run so narrow and my foot wasn't sliding around inside the shoe all day! I recommend taking a bit of sandpaper to the bottoms before you wear them because they are quite slick. The clumsy side of me was a little worried about slipping, especially since it was rainy. 

Also, on the bottom there's a quote pressed into the arch of the sole: "Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life." I love small details like that and I couldn't agree more! 

Remember that sometimes you just have to create your own sunlight!

Love you bunches,