
Friday, July 10, 2015

Checking my Hair into REHAB

It's time. I have to admit that I am addicted to heat treating my hair and it's kind of taken a toll. I noticed last weekend as I happily pulled my straightener through my hair how dry and sad each strand was beginning to look. So, I vowed that it would be the last time I use heat on my hair for the rest of the week. I'm giving my hair a break, no heat for seven days and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I'm 5 days in and I can tell a big difference in the way my hair feels and how healthy it's starting to look again.

I know that a lot of people have a hard time keeping their hair hydrated. It's a fine balance of styling it the way you want, but not going too crazy. But if you happen to cross the line like I did and throw off that perfect balance, here are a few things that have helped me immensely!

I talked about this in my June Favorites Video, but it seriously is the best! During this hair rehab, I have put this product in my hair once a day. Usually, right when I get out of the shower in the evening. I towel dry my hair to get most of the moisture out, then put a few drops of this on my hands and then run it through my hair. It smells like the Aveda Salon, which is a good thing, and just adds that little bit of moisture back into my hair. There have been a few times that I forgot to do this in the evening, so I put it on in the morning on my dry hair and it works just as well.

I also talked about this in my video, so I'm sorry for repeating myself, but this stuff is magical when trying to add moisture back to your fried hair. So unlike the oil, I only use this on my wet hair. It dries looking natural, but if you put it on dry hair it just makes it look greasy. I bought this just to test out a few months ago, but it's been repurchased. I think it's probably become a vanity staple for me.

Switching to the Cold setting:

I said no heat for a week and I meant it. Obviously, I can't go to work with my hair wet and if shower at night, by the morning my crazy ringlets are a mess.

SO, I have a choice of styling my hair or rocking the messy bun (which happened a few times this week. No shame!) On the days when I needed to style my hair, I used the cool button the whole time. It took longer and my arm was exhausted by the time my hair was dry, but there weren't any crispy bits and I didn't feel like I was setting my rehab progress back at all. 

Victoria Secret Conditioner:

Every time I mention that I use Victoria Secret hair products, people are surprised that they even have hair products. A sales person in VS actually was astonished to find this out as she scanned my purchases. I, for one, don't feel like spending insane prices on shampoo and conditioner (although I used these once and they were great! But you can only get it at a salon :/ ), but I love this conditioner! I can tell instantly that my hair is softer and even though it isn't a curly-hair formula, it still leaves my curls looking smooth and de-frizzed. I use the shampoo, as well, but try to only use it every other day, as to not strip the natural oils in my hair.

Microfiber towel:

If you have curly hair treat yourself and buy a microfiber towel to dry with. I am a convert! Normal towels can cause frizz and breakage, but the microfiber picks up the moisture and leaves your hair undamaged. I only have one (I plan on buying more) and I can tell a difference when I use a regular towel, which only happens when this one is in the washing machine. Not only is this great for preventing further damage during my rehab, but it's a great everyday product.

Comb instead of Brush:

Nothing new. Brushes break hair, combs are gentler. Never tug at tangles, just keep combing until they are loosened. I like the wide-toothed end the best!

Loose hair styles:

These are not new. Everyone and their mom has these, but if you are looking to prevent breakage and still want to wear your hair up, this is the way to go! I love these hair ties because they are gentle and never pull out my hair. I never use hair ties that have elastic bands inside and I avoid ones with metal at all cost, I think they are just too harsh on my hair! These tied bands may cost a little more, but it's worth it to not create even more frizz.

So that's been my week. Lots of hair products, lots of fretting over how I'm going to style it, but in the long run it worked! Obviously everyone has different hair, but I can promise that my hair hasn't felt or looked this healthy in a month or two. Take care of your hair, it will always grow out, but that takes longer than you think! Also, when I go back to styling it with heat I will continue to use a heat protectant. It doesn't completely prevent damage from occurring, but I like to think that it helps a little.

Spread some sunlight today!

Love you bunches,

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