
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

*Psst* Click the picture to find a copy

Oh wow, this book had a lot of hype! SO much hype! Friend reccomendations, booktubers, PopSugar book lists, this book was everywhere! So when I saw it was under $5 in the Nook store, I thought, "Why not?" I clicked that dangerous "buy now" button and it (and soon after Eleanor & Park) were safely waiting for me in my library. This was a few months ago, but after the constant talk of how good it was I decided to read it at the beach this weekend.

**Disclaimer: I gave this book 4 stars, I loved it, the next paragraph is just my reading process. Keep going and don't start lighting the torches, just yet**

I was worried that because of the hype and praise, it would fall short and believe me for the first hundred pages I was sure that's what was happening. Honestly, I felt bad for Cath, I thought she was a depressing character and need to get over herself. I also understood her because the first week at college for me was a total nightmare, but unlike Cath, I picked myself up and forced people to be friends with me. I had such a hard time connecting with Cath, that I just felt like the whole story was mediocre. I also was super impatient to find out who the love interest would be that I almost jumped on Google, but I stayed strong and didn't spoil the surprise for myself. 


Rainbow Rowell's writing is so fun. It's not complicated, it's not overdone, it's just like your reading a note from a friend. That's what kept me coming back. I loved how relaxed she writes and for a beach read that's exactly what I wanted. 

As a friend said a few days ago when I finished the book, 

"Rainbow's books usually send me on a rollercoaster because her protagonist usually goes through a really shitty time 3/4 of the novel and then the last little bit is pure happiness."

I really couldn't put it better myself. By the time Cath is in her second semester of college, half way through the book, I was hooked. Things started looking up, she started being a stronger character and I was rooting for her. 

I would definitely recommend this book, hang in there, and get to the end because it's so worth it! I was sad to not really find out what happens with Cath's fanfic and I really wish there was a sequel to look forward to. I want to know what happens with Cath and her romantic interest (Don't want to spoil anything)! I think a sophomore year sequel would be a great!

I understand what the hype was about! Eleanor & Park is on my Nook and Landline (hardcover is on sale for $3.99!!) is on my shelf waiting for me! I'm excited to read all of Rowell's work because she spread some sunlight my way on a cloudy beach weekend.

Lots of love, 

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