
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July PopSugar Box!

Yes to Wipes || No Nut Bar || Supergoop! || Henri Bendel Bag || Hallmark Cards || Pop Dental Toothbrush || Sorial Cardholder (can't find it online, but I like this one and this one, too!)

I always love my PopSugar box, but with vacation a few days away this really was the perfect combination of things. Everything (except the stationary) will be accompanying me on the trip and most of them will be added to my carry on!

I can't wait to try the No Nut Bar! I have been saving it for the plane ride because I really don't like peanuts and California to Texas is a long trip. Plus, the time change means I always miss lunch or have to eat at a weird time. Nobody wants to get hangry on a plane. I've learned that the screaming baby two rows back doesn't deserve to be hated just because my blood sugar is low. Hence packing plenty of snacks (and a good pair of headphones)!

I am also really excited for the finishing spray for that Texas humidity! I am hoping that it will help keep my makeup from melting off my face when we go out to dinner and maybe if we squeeze in a little shopping. 

The Hallmark cards are all so gorgeous, too! I'm going to save them for a super special occasion because I don't want to write in them just yet! Like I said in the video, I like to use pretty cards for accent pieces in frames for gallery walls and I might do that with the pineapple one! We will see! 

Let me know what your favorite thing in the box was! 

Go out and spread some sunlight today!

Love you bunches, 

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