
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Packed for the Fourth!

Similar Navy Cover Up || Turkish Towel || American Flag Cup || White Tank || Polka Dot Top || Monogrammed Bikini Top || White Bottoms || Monogrammed Hat || Sunglasses (top, middle, bottom) || Perfume || Sea Salt Spray || Nail Polish || Lip Color || Shorts (Printed, Pink Seersucker, White Eyelet, Blue Seersucker (or these), Paisley)
I am counting down the hours until I leave for the beach! I packed my bags last night and here is a look at what's in them! Yes, I have two bags for three days. One suitcase and a beach bag. Deal with it.

I, of course, have more than this packed (remember there are two bags), but these are my highlights, very monochromatic, navy blue and white highlights. To be honest, I'm not surprised, I love nautical anything and don't own a lot of red (hence the lipstick!).

Beach Weekend Packing Tips: 

1. Multiple swimsuits

I always take two extra swimsuits than I think I will need. I hate putting having to put a wet or sandy swimsuit back on. So if you're at the beach in the morning, change for lunch, you'll have a cute and dry suit to throw on for an afternoon in the sun!

2. Cover ups

Always have a cover up ready to go. I have two like the one above that I love, but even shorts and a tank will work. There are so many places, even on the beach, that frown on you entering they're establishment in nothing but a bikini. I don't get it, but when I am hungry on the beach I don't want to be turned away from getting lunch! Just throw on your cover up and go! Plus, you'll look super chic.

3. Plan your reading material

This took the longest to pack last night. I have a super short attention span so just sitting on the beach doesn't cut it. I need something to read, a volleyball to play with and music to listen to. Last year, I took my favorite copy of Pride and Prejudice to the pool and it got really water logged. I was crushed. So now I plan more carefully and take a book to read in the beach house and on the drive (read: hardbacks) and books that I can deal with if they get wet (read: mass market paperbacks and things I got on sale). I also threw in my Nook so I can read at night under the stars! 

4. Take products with SPF

Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen and Sunscreen. I mean it's kind of a given, but also take a look at the makeup you wear and make sure that there is SPF in your moisturizer, foundation, and powder. I just realized recently that my moisturizer didn't have SPF. I immediately went to get some that did because sun damage is no joke. Also, stock up on Aloe Vera! You might not be the one getting burnt, but it's likely someone you're with will and you'll be the house hero!

I'm so ready to soak up the sunlight! Hope your weekend is great!

Love, love, love,

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