
Friday, February 26, 2016

Tales From The Back Row By Amy Odell

*Psst* Click the picture to find a copy

The first thought that came to my mind when I started reading this book was: I'm jealous! 

Being in any chair at fashion week, or working with a fashion magazine or in the fashion industry in general is something that I would sell a kidney to do. I know, I know, "Well, then Evin why aren't you doing that?" Rest assured my dear friends, I am currently working on it and finding a way to turn things in that direction. (Part of that process was starting this blog! It basically opened my eyes to what I'm most passionate about! SO stay tuned. Life changes take some time.) :) Realizing that is also why I picked up this book, #GirlBoss, and a few more to come!

But enough about me, back to the book! Amy Odell is amazing! She, like me, is from Texas and went to college to get a journalism degree (another thing we have in common). And since then, Odell has been basically killing it in the online fashion world. She makes her jobs seem a lot less fabulous in many of the essays, but I think that's just so it doesn't seem like bragging. There was an underlying message of "I love my job!" that was hard to miss and just makes you smile! She's worked for New York Magazine, Buzzfeed and Cosmo covering fashion events, parties full of famous people and she's even been interviewed by the queen of fashion: Anna Wintour (one of my favorite essays in the book)! 

Odell has worked her ass off to get where she is, so she quickly earned my respect, admiration and (as stated above) a little bit of jealousy – but mostly the first two. I wasn't terribly interested in the party-going and mingling with celebs (hello, introvert), which does make up a big part of this book, but the fashion soirées, the sample sales, the trips to NYFW and meeting Karl Lagerfeld kept me up reading this book way past my usual bedtime!

Basically, if you're interested in the inner workings of the fashion industry, especially the journalism and blogging side, I would definitely recommend Tales from the Back Row. It's a gem that I'm so happy I now have on my shelf. Plus, there's a list in the back that made me want to jumpstart a few of my fashion-related dreams. As an added bonus, the hardback version is currently cheaper than the paperback at B&N, so why not give it a chance and save a buck!

Love you lots, 

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