
Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Day in Portland!

I spent the day in Portland and I can't wait until I get to go back! I loved the city, the experience, and all the places we got to go. I am so sad we only had a day to explore, but that just has me planning another trip!

From the second we pulled up to the hotel I was so excited to be in Portland! We stayed at Hotel Vintage which is right downtown and really close to a few of the places on our to-do list. Everything about the hotel from the lobby to the game room to the actual hotel rooms was like a curated modern art exhibit. They offered red Public bikes to use and although we chose to walk everywhere rather than ride, if we go back I really want to take advantage of them. Maybe I'll ride along the waterfront down by the river! 

Our room was "sponsored" by a winery, which I thought was a great way to to explore the local Oregon wineries. Some of the photography in the room was from the winery and the cellar, plus there were two bottles of their wine in the room for purchase. We had plans both nights to get dinner and drinks, so we didn't take advantage of that option, but I really loved that little extra touch. All of the art and light fixtures in the room were amazing. We had a huge red sofa, which was really fun!

I think everyone has heard of Voodoo Doughnuts. However, after talking to a few Portland locals and KB (who's tried both) we ended up going to Blue Star for breakfast. I am not a huge doughnut person, but I thoroughly enjoyed this meal and would definitely go back. The shop was so much fun, with Gwen Stefani playing over the speakers and an open kitchen concept so as we waited in line we got to see the doughnuts being made! Some employees were beating the dough and portioning it out, others were throwing giant trays in the oven and another was icing the blueberry basil bourbon doughnuts (so good!). It just showed how fresh they all were – and not a single one was greasy!! 

Blue Star really plays with flavors and making a decision was so hard! I ended up with the Meyer Lemon & Key Lime Curd and it was delicious and fluffy. My other favorite was the Passion Fruit with Cacao nibs! It has a little kick to it (from the cayenne that's also mixed in to the glaze) and it's so tasty. 

After breakfast, we wandered further into downtown and stumbled into a Jonathan Adler, West Elm, and Design Within Reach. We were looking for a cabinet for our house and needed to walk off those doughnuts! I spent the most time in Jonathan Adler because I love his designs! I completely fell in love with the white owl on the marble base. I wish I had a mantel to fill with all kinds of Jonathan Adler designs!

We finally met up with our friend who lives in Portland and decided to grab a really light lunch. When she said, "Do you guys like toast? Nevermind, I know where we're going!" I was so confused. We ended up across the river at a really great place called Cup & Bar! Not only is it a coffee roastery with some of the strongest espresso I've tasted, but they're also a chocolate company. Ordering an espresso gets you a bite of their chocolate, and the two combined was heaven. And as you might have guessed, they also have a toast menu. And by toast I mean some of the thickest and tastiest toast I've ever eaten. I, of course, went for the avocado toast because old habits die hard. However, the smoked trout looked delicious, too! I was still full from breakfast so KB and I split the toast and it was a perfect portion. They have a factory tour on Saturdays at 1 PM – we didn't get the chance, but I think it would be really interesting!

From lunch we headed back across the river to the Rose Gardens and the Japanese Gardens which are right next to each other and it's definitely worth doing both! You can just wander through the public rose garden, and the Japanese Gardens are only $9. I think we might have been a few weeks early for the roses to be in full bloom, but it was really warm this weekend so I expect the gardens will be covered in flowers shortly. I don't think I realized how many different variations of colors and petals were possible until we walked through all the rows! I guess that's why they call Portland the "City of Roses". I would love to go back and see a few more of the gardens around the city!

I love going to the Japanese gardens in San Francisco, so I was excited to see the Portland version. Like I said above, the gardens are super affordable and worth every penny! There's also a cheaper student price, so definitely take your ID with you. Not only were the gardens gorgeous and the trees the prettiest shades of green, but all the small details will hold your attention for a really long time. The zen garden had me wanting to create a small version in my backyard. Plus, there's a breathtaking courtyard with views of the city and Mt. Hood. Being up on the hill looking out like that was breathtaking! And they're in the middle of a huge construction project to add even more to the gardens, including a tea room!

Check back Thursday for full Book Haul!
I heard about Powell's a few years ago and I've wanted to go ever since. I went to Strand in New York last fall and it was an amazing experience, which made me want to go to the City of Books that much more. And to be completely honest, I walked over to Powell's twice in two days. I was so completely overwhelmed by the size – I took a list with me of the books and authors I wanted to search out, but it didn't matter. The giant shelves, the multiple floors, all the people walking around with armfuls of books – this was a reader's paradise! I definitely feel a little defeated about not reading enough, but I grabbed a bunch of titles that I've been looking forward to reading, and I can't wait to crack them all open! I love Powell's because it's a used and new bookstore, so you can compare prices on different copies and stretch your budget a few books further! I also found a few titles I've been searching out on the "New Books at Used Prices" tables, but everything else I grabbed was a secondhand copy. I better get reading so I have an excuse to go back and spend another afternoon wandering through the floor-to-ceiling shelves.

Hope you all had an amazing weekend!

Love you lots,

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