
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Powell's Book Haul!

A few years ago one of my friends told me about this amazing place filled with books. It was kind of like a fairytale, but with a comedic ending and I immediately new that one day I had to go to Portland. My dream of going to Powell's City of Books finally came true (yes, I'm a total nerd).

Anyways, last Saturday with a tall espresso in hand I went to Powell's and got completely overwhelmed. It was like that scene in Gilmore Girls when Rory freaks out when she realizes how many books are housed on the Harvard campus. I felt kind of like a failure for not reading more! There are so many books and so many that I haven't read! See: overwhelming!

I ended up with ten books! I know that sounds crazy, but the prices were so amazing that I new I would never get those same prices elsewhere. Plus, it was all part of the experience. There were people with bags and baskets overflowing with books, so my ten seemed like nothing.

I can't wait to read them all. It's going to be a good summer!! 

What you are reading right now?

Love you lots,

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