
Monday, January 16, 2017

New Year, Full Body Workout

We are officially two weeks into the new year and I've noticed that the crowds at the gym are starting to dwindle. To be honest, I'm not mad because I prefer to run when the treadmill next to me is empty. However, it also means that the people who started strong are already giving up on their New Year goals.

If you read my post about resolutions a few weeks ago, you'll know my goal this year was to build confidence rather than build muscle. I am completely shocked how hard this goal has turned out to be. I am a little ashamed to say that I haven't really accomplished much in the way of moving towards totally accepting my "flaws". I know I'm not the only one out there with the same issues, though, and I want every one of you to know that you just don't wake up one day and decide that you love everything looking back at you in the mirror. It's a process that you have to work at a little bit every day and hopefully at the end you'll look back and realize that your outlook has changed for the better.

 So for this week try this full body workout for no other reason to improve your posture and walk a little taller. I'm also going to do my best to eat clean (meal prepping last week helped!) and get back to drinking a ton of water (this goal was dropped last week). You don't have to be perfect every day, but you owe it to yourself to do at least one thing that enhances your mood, health, or your outlook on the world. You owe it to yourself to "Spread some Sunlight," if you will.

Love you lots,
My workout look:

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